Monday, May 26, 2008

Casual Sex Vs Respect

I am asking a question but dont know how to start the question,hope im doing this right.
My question is..Men can have sex and not involve emotions or have multiple sex partners proudly boasting and be societally accepted(relatively speaking) .However Women cannot get away with this. Im asking you this personally.If you sleep with a guy and only desire casual sex (safe & blah blah blah) would respect still exist?


Anonymous said...

Respect can only exsist if you lay down the rules from the start and let the guy know that it is just casual sex. Let the people from the outside judge thats all they can do but most of the time they them selfs have done it.All you have to do is be safe in how you go about it.

Anonymous said...

In order to expect respect from someone else I must first respect myself. In so doing I begin to make positive choices for my life. I then begin to have vision and purpose for my life.If at any time I have to wonder whether some else respects me then I have the answer to my own question.

Unknown said...

I believe it depends on the person you are sleeping with and how clear you made your intentions. I believe in equality. I resent when society believes that it is ok for a male to do such and such a thing but as soon as a female does it she is labelled as a whore or slut. BTW this personally isn't something i would do...just my two cents on the topic.